domingo, 30 de junio de 2024

You need to know Sumit your blog project in June 20,2024

Welcome, we will talk about common mistakes in English and how we can avoid them as the days go by, the first thing we have to learn are grammar rules and practice a lot in different ways in reading and online videos.

Some techniques to learn English are downloading video games in this language and singing songs, these are some things that help a lot to learn.

Short stories for kids

Welcome to this blog, today we will talk about the importance of stories for children, stories help you develop children's imagination in addition to their cognitive abilities and stimulate their brain with new skills, reading stories to children helps us to spend quality family time since only children live once in a lifetime  Next, we will have a little story for the children.

Hiccup and his dad

Once upon a time there was a hippopotamus that was very heavy, one day he went to the garden and when he walked across the land his footprints were left marked, he sat down to eat a hard-boiled egg and an ice cream because he was a very glutton, suddenly he noticed that Something in her belly was tickling, it was a small hippopotamus that came out of the egg. A fairy appeared in a ball of smoke, with a magic leaf. With the leaf she took out the hippopotamus son, as he was born hungry he ate a bone and grass, then they walked with the fairy.

About me

 My name is Yarisbel Rivera I am 18 years old I graduated with a bachelor of science at the Pablo E. Corsen school, I am currently studying at the autonomous university of Chiriqui Unachi the career of criminal investigation, my favorite subject of my career is English and sociology, I really like the subject of English since in it I can learn new things that would help me to relate to other people who speak this language in addition to this is very important because at some point it could help me in a work environment On the other hand, I also like sociology a lot, because it helps us to know how people relate to each other in society

English Courses


Welcome to my blog, in this case we will talk about how to learn English and because it is important, as a first point we can learn English by paying attention in the classes of your school, university or looking for different methods on the internet either on You Tube for example watching videos of vowels or the alphabet in English.

Why is it important to learn English? it is very important because if one day you travel to the US or another country you will be able to communicate easily, it is also very important since You could easily get a job as companies are looking for people who know more than just one language as this can help in business travel.


You need to know Sumit your blog project in June 20,2024

Welcome, we will talk about common mistakes in English and how we can avoid them as the days go by, the first thing we have to learn are gra...